Friday, December 11, 2020


First, we enter this, our world:
newly born, created.

Consciousness is immature,
but potentiated.

If provided food and love,
growth's accelerated.

We discover self and home:
anxiety's abated.

Seeing things and wondering why:
whys articulated.

In response come explanations:
being educated.

Searching for a kindred soul:
discovered and elated.
Then to have it fall apart:
alone and isolated.

Again we wander, wondering why.
Life is complicated.

Wandering in nature's calm:
discovering creation.
Seeing that you have a place;
finding your relation.

Back into the world again
with some hesitation,
but now aware that each new cycle
builds a new foundation.

Thus the cycles will repeat:
practice dedication.
Grow with them and be at peace
with life's termination.